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Biz Toolkits

Toolkit: Communicating with Your Customer


Our most recent toolkit looks at how to communicate with your customer – staying on brand, appealing to them and always staying Authentic!
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Welcome to the Communicate With Your Customer Toolkit – the PDF download to help small businesses interact with their audience effectively and authentically. Helen from The Creative Business network and I have teamed up to offer a business advice service with a range of DIY downloads to help you build your brand.

This Toolkit is the fourth in our range, and it’s really important to note that it’s a follow on from our Define Your Brand and Define Your Audience toolkits. A lot of the content we work on in this download is a direct result of your development from those previous toolkits so it’s important that you’ve completed them both before proceeding to this one.

Communicating with your customer really is all about the marriage between who you are as a brand and who your customer is. Only by having those two elements clear in your mind can you communicate really effectively and authentically with your audience and it’s what we aim to help you within this installment.

I know it doesn’t sound very sexy or fun but it’s really important in keeping the narrative of your brand clear, consistent and authentic. This toolkit is all about developing the tone and language of your brand and how that will reach your customer, ensuring so that it appeals to them. It doesn’t look at ways to communicate but more how your voice comes across and how to keep that consistent which, as you will know from the Define Your Brand toolkit is really important for brand clarity. (Sounds horrendous! haha I promise it’s easy when you break it down!)

It’s filled with information, examples, questions, prompts, suggestions and a template to help you take the work from the previous toolkits and use it really effectively. Doing the work in this toolkit once over a few hours means you can then carry it forward really intuitively into your communication, it’s also really helpful if you ever have other team members communicating on your brands behalf to ensure you’re all on the same page so that customers feel clarity about who your brand is.

We hope that when you’ve completed this toolkit you’ll have a strong brand voice that enables you to communicate with your customers effectively across different platforms, covering different subjects – keeping it authentic and true to you but still relevant to them… which in turn should help them to invest in you with their time, energy and money.


If you’re not sure if this toolkit is for you have a look at the below points to see if it sounds helpful…

The aim of the Communicating with your Customer Toolkit is to help you:

  • Combine your Brand & Customer values into an effecting, yet natural way of communicating
  • Learn how to keep your brand voice consistent.
  • Understand the important difference between Tone and Language
  • Decipher where & how to use different language whilst keeping your brand voice consistent.
  • Apply the above to not only your text but imagery as well.
  • Generate buzzwords to encourage and inspire your communication.
  • Create Guidelines that will help you structure your communication easily & efficiently
  • Enable you to roll out your brand voice to other members of the team effectively
  • Keep your communications authentic and natural but with structure and consistency
  • To ultimately help you build long-lasting relationships with your customer
  • (I think i’ve just convinced myself to buy it!)


  • Crucially – a follow on toolkit for once you’ve completed Define Your Brand and Define Your Audience (linked below)
  • Ideal for both Existing Businesses and Start Ups
  • Takes approximately 2 hours
  • You’ll need a notebook, pen, snacks & optional printer (to print off the worksheets)
  • Includes techniques, prompts, exercises and a template

**When you purchase your toolkit and download the PDF please be sure to save it straight away so you don’t lose it. Thank you!

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